
Is Alzheimer’s Considered a Disability Under the ADA?

By Ruth Hoffmann posted 02-26-2020 08:10


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a highly debated topic in many professional circles, mainly due to the huge scope that it encompasses, and the many implications that it has on the work and lives of a large number of people. It’s not a simple framework to navigate, and there’s a reason why some people turn to dedicated experts like Diversity Builder, Inc., for managing their inquiries related to the ADA. And when it comes to conditions like Alzheimer’s, things can get even more complicated. Partly due to the complex nature of the conditions themselves, and partly because of the sensitive nature of those respective situations.

How the ADA Works

Some people wrongly believe that the ADA is like a list of conditions that are considered disabilities, with everything that doesn’t fall under the list not being considered at all. The reality is quite far from that. The ADA is more of a framework for determining a person’s ability to work, and their current capabilities with regards to anything that might impact them – like a disability condition. However, because of this, Alzheimer’s isn’t directly covered by the ADA. Rather, it has to develop in a specific way in order for things to go in that direction.

Alzheimer’s Affects Everyone Differently

As we mentioned above, Alzheimer’s tends to work very differently in the people it affects. For some, managing to live with the condition is possible while also paying attention to the important parts of their lives, such as their work and family. But for some people, Alzheimer’s hits much harder, and can make it practically impossible to work. Because of this, the ADA classifies Alzheimer’s according to the actual impact it has on a person’s life, and the extent to which it prevents them from doing their work. That’s why someone needs to get evaluated thoroughly in a case like this.

Getting Help Early Enough

And on that note, it’s important to ensure that you address this kind of situation early enough if you sense it coming on. Alzheimer’s is a nasty condition to deal with, and things can get even more complicated when things like work are involved. But it’s important to get on top of this issue early on, because otherwise things are only going to get more complicated in the future. The sooner you decide to get help for this kind of problem, the better your chances will be in the long run.

There are many factors to consider here, and the way Alzheimer’s impacts the life of the average person can make it particularly tricky to deal with the situation and address it in a reasonable manner. But in the end, this is one of those things that you can’t really put off. It will come back to hit you sooner or later, and if you’ve taken the effort to prepare for it in advance, you can make your life much easier when it comes to dealing with it. And the rest comes down to using the available resources to their full potential.

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